Ryan Reber | Architect | ROX


ROX – a custom sitting machine by studio R^2 – a collaboration of designers Ryan Sarros and Ryan Reber.


Furniture is sculpture.   Furniture, like sculpture, is viewed in its perspectival totality from all angles – front, back, side, and even from above.  But unlike traditional sculpture, furniture is also perceived by its phenomenological properties while it is being engaged.  A chair dictates the height one sits above the floor, what angle the back rests, and how the legs engage the floor.  Beyond the way a piece looks aesthetically, it offers a corporeal grounding that guides the user’s perceptions.


What if a piece allowed for transmutability based upon individual body types and preferences?  What if a chair forced the occupant to constantly engage with the object, making an otherwise static entity a conduit for self-expression?  The result would be a user-defined sitting experience.  The result is the ROX.


The design is based on a simple diagram – a human figure sitting in a circle.  Unlike a typical rocking chair that accommodates for 30° of travel, the ROX allows for a full 120° of rocking movement.  The body position ranges from forward sitting to a full recline.  This journey not only provides a visually engaging experience, but also stimulates the vestibular system of the sitter.  The degree of possible motion creates not just a chair but a unique sitting experience that varies from person to person – and one is constantly learning new ways to use and enjoy the chair.


See full assembly video.


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